Time Off From Paddle Training
Yes, we all really know that there is no such thing as the "off season." Even taking a scheduled break is really part of training. It is as necessary as those intervals and drills are. And I for one, am embracing this time off before ramping up for the 2025 paddle racing season.
So, here's what I am enjoying at the moment:
10. Fall
Yes, really. Looking at the colors, the falling leaves, the crispness in the air. Pumpkin Spice. Okay, maybe not. But it is nice to have a break from Southern humidity. I love sweatshirts and being able to put on a pair of jeans. I love the contrast that makes a trip to Florida or Costa Rica feel so cozy. I love seeing my daughter and the neighborhood kids dress up for Halloween and food naps in the Holidays.
9. More Sleep
I can thank the time change for this. It's so dark so early, and it's been chilly here, so I am inclined to want to get into bed early. Very early. Ridiculously early. So, as a result, I have been getting more rest. That is essential for recovery, especially since my shoulder has been talking to me more than it ever has before. I can feel things recharging. It's always my shoulder. I need a new one.
8. Food
Like so many of you, the first week of the two week R&R post race phase was right after Chattajack, when you are ravenous. I might not be racing, but I plan to sympathy eat or FOMO react. I'm just ravenous. You get a pass to eat whatever you want. Burgers, tacos, mac and cheese. I'm going to pretend this week is my cleanse and recovery week and refocus on eating better, re-establishing good habits to build on for next season.

7. Learning Something New
When we are not focused on The Big Race(s) we can try something different, or learn something new, and with abandon! Maybe it has nothing at all to do with paddling or maybe it complements paddling. It's okay to focus on a new activity because a) you don't have intervals to do and b) there's no race to worry about. For me, I want to polish up my sketching skills. What are you looking forward to learning? Dead ancient languages of the Yucatan peninsula? I'm also working on more video content and editing.
6. Reconnecting with Old Passions
For me, it's cycling and swimming. Before I became a paddler, I was always on the riding. Getting back out there, especially with friends (many who do not paddle) is like coming home. Sort of. At the very least, I always feel like Princess Leia on those speeders on Endor when I mountain bike. I also gravitate toward hiking and backpacking this time of year. But it doesn't have to be an outdoor activity - perhaps it's a creative outlet you reconnect with, like painting, photography or writing. Or simply binge watching Peaky Blinders.

5. Reconnecting with Friends
Most of us have our paddle ohana, then there is the ohana that we love but they don't paddle. Or at least not as much. Now is the time to make plans with those folks, to get together and laugh and enjoy each other's company. Maybe convince them to come paddle some time. Or not.
4. Reflection
One of Coach Larry Cain's homework assignments during these two weeks is to look back on the race season and ask yourself some questions. What went right? What could you improve on? What did you learn? Having the answers to those questions - honestly - are key to setting goals and objectives for next year. I sat down with my race notebook and wrote those answers down, so I can look back on them from time to time. The biggest thing I learned this year - the mind really does win first. The mental prep I did for Chattajack, after compromising my training and in the face of that weather really made a difference. I also learned to not only love the conditions, but to use them, too. Continuing to develop the mental acumen for racing will be a focus next year.
3. Goal Setting
What do I want to accomplish this winter? What do I want to accomplish next year? Now is the time to enjoy looking ahead a bit and making plans for improvement. Haven't made all those decisions yet, but I'd like to increase my average speed, I'd like to improve my canoe and prone skills and endurance without pain. Going to spend more time in the gym, and more time cross training, that I know for sure. I know I want to do Catalina again some day. M2M. I have some planning to do.
2. Surfing
I still have issues popping up with my back and shoulder, but I've been having a blast on my prone board. A few weeks ago, I had one of the best surf sessions I've ever had! And of course, I just want more. So what if I have to put neoprene on to do it. Or not. This year, I will learn to embrace the neoprene! It's a tool that keeps me in the line up year round!

1. Giving Yourself Permission
And probably my most favorite thing about this time of year is that you can give yourself permission to do all of the above things with the understanding that they are just as important to your over all paddle training as your weekly workouts. It's okay right now to do whatever - to sit back and enjoy where you've been, where you are now and where you will be going - in whatever way that looks like to you!
Rest up, y'all....2025 is going to be awesome!
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